Scalability: Deploy a global test network with multiple instances in a single virtual private cloud (VPC).
Bandwidths up to 20 Gbps: Precisely emulate links up to 1Gbps and 20 Gbps in the future.
Latency up to 20 sec.: Emulate delay and jitter of 10 seconds or more in each direction, in increments of 0.01 ms.
Loss and corruption: Set random, burst, or periodic packet loss to test the effects of corruption on voice and video applications.
Capture and replay: Record the delay and loss characteristics of a production network as they vary second-by-second and replay them through the Netropy emulator.
Packet filtering: Assign packets to different links by IP address, VLAN, or any other packet identifier.
Background utilization: Test how applications perform over a congested network with the background utilization and PCAP replay features.
Traffic monitoring: View and download up to 24 hours of throughput graphs and link statistics.
Automation: Automate testing with RESTful API.
Cost-effective: NetropyCE is charged at hourly and yearly rates, so only pay for how much you use it.
Requirements: NetropyCE 1G requires a C5.XLarge Instance in AWS, or for NetropyCE 20G any instance that has 20Gbps, 2 CPUs & 8 GB RAM or more