
Traffic Aggregators

Aggregate and optimize network traffic

Aggregate. Filter. Optimize.

Traffic aggregators bring together traffic from TAPs (test access points) and SPANs (switched port analyzers) across the network, giving a pervasive view into information-in-motion, and optimize monitoring tools by filtering on traffic that matters.

GigaVUE TA series

Traffic aggregators bring together traffic from TAPs and SPANs across the network, giving a pervasive view into information-in-motion.
The GigaVUE® TA Series combines low-utilized links, improving efficiency and reducing cost.
The power of Flow Mapping® is brought to the edge by clustering the GigaVUE TA Series with GigaVUE HC Series visibility nodes, giving network, application and security managers pervasive visibility. Fabric Maps enable Flow Mapping across clusters to scale network visibility across hundreds of nodes.