Belden RA500 Low Loss 1/2” Coaxial Cables: RA500, RA500P, RA500R
Belden Low Loss 1/2” Coaxial Cables for Wireless Transmission allow building owners to support the growing numbers of people and devices utilizing their networks while providing strong signal strength and minimal interference. In environments where people expect constant uptime with no hiccups or delays, these cables can help boost revenue and satisfaction levels. When installing a new-generation wireless solution, such as Wi-Fi 6, 5G or small cells, Belden copper and fiber connectivity systems are designed and ready to handle the increased speeds and bandwidth required.
- Designed for low loss (attenuation), low passive intermodulation (PIM) and low-voltage ratio (VSWR) (return loss)
- Continuous annular corrugated copper outer conductor shields against EMI/RFI noise and makes it flexible to bend during installation
- Third-party ETL verification to UL CMP and CMR specifications
- RA500P: Black/Blue/Off-White/Red – 1000′ & 3000′ Reels
- RA500R Foam Dielectric, Riser-Rated Coax: Black – 1000′ & 3000′ Reels
- RA500 Foam Dielectric, UV Resistant Coax: Black – 1000′ & 3000′ Reels
Please see Data Sheet for complete specifications.
Tempest Telecom carries a wide assortment of coaxial cables in various lengths and with other specifications. Please contact our Sales Department with your specific request.