GPS Networking LNFA1X4

Manufacturer Part Number: LNFA1X4

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Tempest Makes It Simple


  • Precise Amplitude Balance
    • Less than 1 dB variation between ports.
  • Wide Accepted Frequency Range
    • Accepts signals from the entire L-Band, covering all major GNSS constellations.


This Loaded DC Blocked Splitter 1X4 (LDCBS1X4) is a passive one input, four output RF splitter that splits signals from 1.1 GHz to 1.7 GHz. This equipment is designed to split signals within the L-band to provide multiple devices with the signal from a single antenna. In the standard configuration, the J1 port will pass DC voltage from a connected device and pass this power to the antenna or other devices upline from the splitter. The other ports (J2-J4 are DC blocked and loaded with 200 resistors to simulate antenna current draw which prevents antenna alarm faults. Custom gain configuration, DC configuration, and connector configuration are available upon request.
