Telect 125GMT15

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Tempest Makes It Simple

125GMT10/nrg125GMT10 and 125GMT15/nrg125GMT15 fuse panels are 125A dual-feed and provide 10/10 and 15/15 GMT fuse positions. Our 125GMT/nrg125GMT panels feature ±12/±24/±48V operating voltages to serve both legacy and “next-gen” network applications. Engineered into a standard 1RU footprint that support up to 20A GMT fuses in each position, providing ample capacity for distribution to a broad range of components. The panel is available in standard terminal block outputs or connectorized outputs.

This platform provides front access to GMT fuses. Also featured are front LED indicators for power/fuse alarms, monitoring status, rear connections for form C relay alarms, and optional nrgSMART connections. Depending on the model, each of the 125A feeds provide power for up to 10 or 15 GMT output positions. Field replaceable GMT fuses are available from 18/100A to 20A. The panel supports universal voltages (±12VDC to ±48VDC).

Primary Benefits

  • Universal voltage (±12VDC, ±24VDC, and ±48VDC) enables standardization on a single part number for multiple voltages
  • Up to 20A fuses for distribution to a variety of network elements
  • UL and NEBS compliant to ensure industry-standard safety and functional requirements
  • Form C relay contacts provide reliable alarm connections
  • Integrated designation cardholder for simple circuit identification
  • Fail alarm LEDs indicate fuse and power failures
  • Clear, flame-retardant polycarbonate cover (94V-0) protects input and output power connections and wiring from damage
  • Optional Individual Circuit Monitoring provides high accuracy, 100% passive monitoring
  • Collect voltage and current for both feed and output circuit
  • Collect temperature using optional nrgTEMP probes
