Connected Vehicles / V2X

Lab-test traffic scenarios

Bring your V2X products to market faster by testing real-world traffic scenarios in the lab

Ensure that V2X communications over IEEE802.11p (DSRC) and cellular technology (C-V2X) are compliant to standards and work correctly under all possible conditions – by leveraging test metrics focusing on precision, repeatability and safety. Spirent’s comprehensive test solutions enable the design and deployment of sophisticated V2X test scenarios and communications services while reducing time-consuming field testing.

White Paper

How Should the Automotive Industry Test V2X Systems?

Delivering V2X communications which work correctly, under all possible conditions, has become a critical part of vehicle development, and is simply expected by drivers. Download white paper to learn how to ensure V2X systems are robust, reliable and capable of recognizing when they are under attack.

White Paper

What’s Driving the Autonomous & Connected Car?
Autonomous cars are only a few years away from being used in cities for ride-sharing. This white paper outlines the industry’s progress to date, likely next steps, and potential challenges, opportunities and pitfalls automotive research engineers will need to address as development continues.

V2X Products & Solutions

Spirent TTsuite-WAVE-LTEV


Validate the compliance of your C-V2X (LTE-V) equipment to IEEE and SAE standard specifications by running automated WAVE conformance tests.

Spirent TTsuite-WAVE-DSRC


Test solution enabling the automated execution of WAVE conformance tests to ensure your V2X implementations or systems are based on and compliant to USDOT test specifications.
Spirent TTsuite-ITS-G5


Automated test solution for running ITS-G5 conformance tests to ensure your implementations or systems are based on and compliant to ETSI test specifications.
Spirent V2X Emulator

Spirent V2X Emulator

Save time and costs with this test bed for validation and performance benchmarking of V2X applications in various stages of the development cycle that brings real-world traffic scenarios into the lab.
Spirent TTworkbench

Spirent TTworkbench

Conformance and certification testing of V2X-enabled networks, cabling, devices and systems with a test automation platform emulating a realistic and deterministic environment that speeds up product development and improves quality.

Vehicle to Vehicle/Infrastructure Communications

Ensure compliance to latest standards

Spirent is working with government agencies, laboratories, standards bodies and commercial organizations to successfully implement new features and services that form the intelligent transportation systems and connected vehicles of the 21st century.
Spirent V2X Compliance Partners

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