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Vectra Cognito Recall

Cognito Recall

Investigative workbench for conclusive threat hunting and investigations

AI-assisted threat hunting – from cloud and data center workloads to the enterprise

  • Custom-engineered investigative workbench optimized for Vectra metadata – delivering sub second searches at scale
  • Collect and store rich network metadata, relevant logs and cloud events in real-time
  • Perform retrospective threat hunting using security-enriched network metadata
  • Dive deep into incidents triggered by security tools to identify other host devices, accounts and attackers involved in an incident
vectra cognito data screen
Mark Rodnam

Cognito Recall is a dramatic leap forward in AI-assisted threat hunting and incident investigation"

Mark Rodman

Head of Information Security Operations at PokerStars
The Stars Group, Owner of PokerStars, the World’s Largest Online Poker Site

Accelerate threat investigations

  • One-click pivot from Cognito Detect
  • Quickly connect common threads between compromised hosts and assets
  • Sub-second queries instantly identify exfiltrated data

Additional benefits:

  • AI-assisted threat hunting
  • Conduct conclusive, in-depth threat investigation
  • Perform retrospective threat hunting
  • Enterprise-wide visibility into hidden threats

AI-assisted threat hunting

  • Highest fidelity data source: AI-enriched network metadata
  • Deep protocol visibility, not just connectivity attributes
  • Hunt based on device, workload and host name, not just IP addresses


Think about your data capture and analysis architecture and deployment. We invite you to reach out to a Tempest Telecom representative for a consultative discussion about your deployment.

Visibility from cloud to enterprise

  • Support both hybrid, cloud-native, and SaaS deployments
  • Integrate with infrastructure-as-a-service providers without using agents
  • Advanced agentless attacker detection and threat hunting

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